Billing and Payment [1]
How will I be billed for my loan repayment?
When are payments due?
What options are available for making payments?
The University of Iowa contracts with Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI (ECSI) for billing and processing of payments on your Federal campus based loan, Perkins loan, and Institutional loan.
Monthly billing statements for UI student loan repayments are issued from ECSI, not The University of Iowa. Monthly loan installments are based on a fixed total installment. This means that monthly payments remain constant, and include monthly principal and interest.
Electronic Billing
To sign up for eBilling go to [2]. In the event the account becomes past due, a paper statement will be sent in addition to the email notification.
Due Date
The monthly due date of payments to ECSI corresponds closely with the University U-Bill due date. Loans are billed on the first day of each month, with the payment due on the 22nd day of that month.
ECSI Services
ECSI lets borrowers access their accounts online at [2]. Through this site, a borrower can verify when payments are received, update address and phone information, check their account balance, obtain loan payoff amounts, sign up for electronic billing, and make payments. Forms can also be downloaded for deferments, forbearance requests, etc.
Borrowers can create a profile and securely link to their University of Iowa loan information using either an ECSI-provided Heartland Key, or school code (Y4), SSN, and PIN/Password. For assistance setting up a profile, contact ECSI at 888-549-3274.
Payment Options
The following options are available for making your payments to ECSI:
- Online EFT/ACH Payments:
Make online payments at [2]. Borrowers will need the University of Iowa school code Y4, SSN, and their PIN. A lost PIN may be reset through the Heartland Campus Solutions/ECSI website. For assistance contact ECSI at [3] or 888-549-3274, from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm EST. Transaction fees may apply.
- Checks and Money Orders:
Mail a check or money order to the address listed below. Make payable to The University of Iowa and include the borrower’s name and ECSI account number on the payment.
University of Iowa
c/o ECSI
P.O. Box 1287
Moon Township, PA 15108
Payments should not be sent to The University of Iowa. Any payments sent directly to the University require special handling that may affect the ECSI processing date and result in penalties or late payment charges.
- Credit and Debit Cards:
The University of Iowa does not accept credit or debit card payments for student loans. Please contact ECSI at 888-549-3274 to pay by credit or debit card. Transaction fees may apply. ECSI accepts MasterCard and Discover cards. ECSI also accepts Visa debit cards but not Visa credit cards or American Express for loan payments.
- International Payments:
Contact ECSI to discuss available payment options for international payers.
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
Phone: 888-549-3274
E-mail: [3] [2]
Hours: 7:30 am to 9:00 pm EST, Monday through Friday