Faculty/Staff U-Bill [1]
Faculty/Staff U-Bill Information
At the beginning of each month, University of Iowa faculty and staff will receive e-mail notification when there are new charges, credits or a balance due on their U-Bill.
The e-mail informs employees that they should login to Employee Self Service [2] and follow the University Bill link to review their U-Bill. From here employees can safely and securely authorize electronic payment from a bank account or setup payroll deduction to make a payment.
Payroll Deduction
Employees who wish to set up payroll deduct payments to pay their U-Bills do so in Employee Self Service [2]. Payroll deduct payments can be used to cover any charges on your account including tuition, but you must have a sufficient paycheck to cover the payment you authorize.
Payroll Deduct payments must be authorized by the due date to be considered on time.
Setting up a payroll deduct payment on your U-Bill is separate from opting in for ID Card Charging and Payroll Deduction which is a separate process. If you have questions about using your ID card or badge to charge purchases on campus, please review the Policy on Employee ID Card Charging [3].
Employees will continue to be notified by email of their U-Bill even if they have already set up a payroll deduct.
Employees are financially responsible for all charges made with their ID card, regardless of their current employment status. In the event that the total miscellaneous charges [4] exceeds the amount earned in any given pay period, charging privileges may be deactivated until the outstanding balance is paid in full. Two or more instances of failed or reduced payroll deduction may result in permanent revocation of charging privileges. The University reserves the right to collect any unpaid balance from future paychecks until the debt is satisfied.
Termination of employment does not relieve an individual from financial responsibility of charges incurred while actively employed. In the event that charges do not get automatically deducted from the final paycheck, the individual will be held responsible for paying the outstanding balance by the next U-Bill due date.
Reporting Errors
If there is a problem with a charge listed on your U-Bill, contact the University Billing Office before the 20th of the month to dispute the charge before it is deducted from your next paycheck. Payroll deductions for your U-Bill appear in the "After Tax Deductions" section of your paystub and will be labeled "UI Bill Charges (U-Bill Page)" with a link to your bill.