Cancellation Upon Death
Your student loan(s) will be cancelled upon your death. In order to obtain this cancellation your family or estate must send ECSI a copy of your death certificate.
Discharge for Total and Permanent Disability
A TPD discharge relieves you from having to repay a federal student loan on the basis of your total and permanent disability. Before your federal student loan can be discharged, you must provide information to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to show that you are totally and permanently disabled. ED will evaluate the information and determine if you qualify for a TPD discharge.
Borrower completes an application and submits it to Nelnet. The application and detailed information about the process is available at All Perkins borrowers who have questions regarding total and permanent disability should be referred to Nelnet. Support is available online at or borrowers can call 1-888-303-7818 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET.
Military Service Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for military service. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of military service in an eligible area, a percentage of your loan will be cancelled. To determine the percentage of cancellation for each year of service, please refer to the cancellation rate chart.
To qualify for military service cancellation, you must be enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces and assigned to an area of hostility or an area of imminent danger that qualifies for special pay under Section 310 of Title 37 of the U.S. Code. Additionally, your account must be paid to the start of your cancellation period.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090
Nurse, Medical Technician and Firefighter Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for specified professional services. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of service as a full-time nurse, medical technician or fire fighter, a portion of your loan will be cancelled. To determine the percentage of cancellation for each year of service, please refer to the cancellation rate chart.
Nurse or Medical Technician Cancellation: The borrower has served full time as a nurse or medical technician providing health care services. The borrower must provide health care services directly to patients.
Full Time Fire Fighter Cancellation: The borrower has served as a full time fire fighter with a local state or federal fire department or fire district.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090
Law Enforcement, Corrections Officer, Public Defense Lawyer, or Prosecuting Attorney Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for specified professional services. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of service as a law enforcement, correction officer, public defense lawyer or prosecuting attorney, a portion of your loan will be cancelled. To determine the percentage of cancellation for each year of service, please refer to the cancellation rate chart.
The borrower has served full time in a qualifying position. To establish the eligibility of a borrower for this cancellation provision, the school must determine that (1) the borrower’s employing agency is eligible and that (2) the borrower’s position is essential to the agency’s primary mission. Agencies that are primarily responsible for enforcement of civil, regulatory, or administrative laws are ineligible. Further definitions outlined on Public Service Related Postponement/Cancellation Request form.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090
Qualifying Teaching, Speech Language Pathologist, and Librarian Services Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for specified professional services. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of service specific below, a portion of your loan will be cancelled. To determine the percentage of cancellation for each year of service, please refer to the cancellation rate chart.
Full-Time Librarian Cancellation: The borrower has served as a full time librarian with a master’s degree in library science and who are employed in an elementary or secondary school that qualifies for Title I funding, or in a public library that serves a geographic area that includes one or more Title I schools.
Speech-Language Pathology Service Cancellation: The borrower is a full-time speech language pathologist with a master’s degree working exclusively with Title I eligible schools.
Special Education Teacher Cancellation: The borrower has serviced full-time in a public or nonprofit elementary or secondary school system as a special-education teacher, including teachers of infants, toddlers, children, or youth with disabilities.
Teacher in a Teacher Shortage Field Cancellation: The borrower has serviced full-time in a public or nonprofit elementary or secondary school system as a teacher in a teacher shortage field: including mathematics, science, foreign languages, or bilingual education or any other field of expertise that is determined by a state education agency to have a shortage of qualified teachers in that state.
Low Income School Teacher Cancellation: The borrower has serviced full-time in a public or nonprofit elementary or secondary school system as a teacher in a low-income school or a low-income educational service agency.
Tribal College or University Faculty Service Cancellation: The borrower has served as a full-time faculty member at a Tribal College or University.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090
Provider of Early Intervention Services or Provider for Child or Family Services Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for specified professional services. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of service specific below, a portion of your loan will be cancelled. To determine the percentage of cancellation for each year of service, please refer to the cancellation rate chart.
Provider of Early Intervention Services Cancellation: the borrower has been employed full time as a qualified professional provider of early intervention services in a public or other nonprofit program under public supervision.
Child or Family Services Cancellation: The borrower has served full time as an employee of an eligible public or private nonprofit child or family service agency and has directly and exclusively provided services to high-risk children who are from low-income communities or has supervised the provisions of such services.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090
Head Start Staff Member, Pre-K or Child Care Program Staff Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for specified teaching services. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of providing service in a Pre-Kindergarten, Child Care or Head Start Program, a portion of your loan will be cancelled.
Borrower must serve:
- as a full-time staff member in a Head Start program; or
- as a full-time staff member of a pre-kindergarten or child care program that is licensed or regulated by the state.
- A pre-kindergarten program is a state-funded program that serves children from birth through age six and addresses the children's cognitive (including language, early literacy, and early mathematics), social, emotional, and physical development.
- A child care program is a program that is licensed or regulated by the state and provides child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child, unless care in excess of 24 consecutive hours is needed due to the nature of the parents' work.
- A full-time staff member is someone who is regularly employed in a full-time professional capacity to carry out the educational part of the early education program.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090
Volunteer Service Cancellation
Payments on Federal Perkins student loans may be cancelled for VISTA or Peace Corps service. If your loan is eligible for cancellation, the account will be placed in deferment status and you will not receive a loan billing statement during that period of time.
After completion of one full year of service as VISTA or Peace Corps service, a portion of your loan will be cancelled. To determine the percentage of cancellation for each year of service, please refer to the cancellation rate chart.
The borrower has served as a Peace Corps or Americorps*VISTA (under Title I, Part A of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973) volunteer. Americorps volunteers do not qualify for this cancellation unless their volunteer service is with Americorps*VISTA. An Americorps*VISTA volunteer may only qualify for this cancellation if the Americorps*VISTA volunteer elects not to receive a national service education award for his or her volunteer service. The Americorps*VISTA volunteer must provide appropriate documentation showing that the volunteer has declined the Americorps national service education award. An authorized official of the program must certify the borrower’s service.
- Print the form
- Complete and sign the application
- Please forward completed form and requested supporting documents to:
Heartland Campus Solutions ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090