To keep your account in good standing, payment of at least the Minimum Payment Due, as shown on the current U-Bill, must be received by the end of business on the due date. (Graphic below is an example of summary information displayed on the August U-Bill.)

When the Minimum Payment Due is not received by the due date, the account is considered past due. If the past due balance is $100 or greater, charging privileges are restricted. If the past due balance is $500 or greater, privileges to register for a future session are restricted.
Past due accounts are assessed a $25 late payment fee. This fee is automatically added to the next U-Bill and is included in the new Minimum Payment Due amount.
Removal of Restrictions
The past due amount must be paid to remove account restrictions and reinstate privileges.
For example, in the graphic above, if no payment was received by 5:00 p.m. on 8/23, this account would become restricted for charging and restricted for registration. A $25.00 late payment fee would be added to the September U-Bill and would be included in the September Minimum Payment amount. Charging and registration restrictions will remain in place until past due balances are paid below the thresholds listed above.