Students with a 25% or greater teaching or research assistantship may expect to be billed at the resident rate for the college from which they are seeking a degree. Students should review the Tuition & Fees link on MyUI for the most current information regarding the rate at which they are being billed. Students should also review the Graduate College site for detailed scholarship information.
Students receiving a monthly paycheck from the University may elect to participate in the payroll deduction plan offered by the Billing Office. This plan will allow the deduction of the minimum monthly payment from your upcoming monthly paycheck. Individuals that elect to participate in this deduction agreement will not be considered past due or have any penalties incurred during the period between the due date and the scheduled payroll deduction. Account restrictions and penalties may occur if a payroll deduction payment is unsuccessful or insufficient to cover the minimum payment due.
You can follow these steps to authorize a payment plan via payroll deduction:
- Login to Employee Self-Service
- Click on the Personal Tab
- Click on “University Bill” in the General section
- Click “Pay Your U-Bill”
- Payment Method: “Payroll Deduct”
- Choose Payment Frequency: “Recurring”
- Choose TODAY’S DATE for the payment date (this will ensure that the payroll deduction begins as soon as possible)
- Payment Type: “Minimum Payment Due”